Announcement – Conference held as part of the research project LOCUS ‘Social Media, Youth, and Consumption of Cultural Spaces’

The research project LOCUS “sociaL media, yOuth, and Consumption of cUltural Spaces,” which is funded by the “3rd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Postdoctoral Researchers,” and implemented at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, with Konstantinos Theodoridis as scientific supervisor, organized on Thursday 26 October a conference as part of its activities.

The objective of the conference was to provide an interdisciplinary approach to research issues related to social media, youth, and cultural policy in the digital environment. Researchers from various scientific fields participated in thematic sessions, presenting data from contemporary studies, as well as exceptionally interesting theoretical and methodological approaches. During the discussions, the importance of social media in the current context was highlighted, with the aim of understanding issues related to the identities of young people, culture, and consumption.

The event was welcomed by the President of the Scientific Council of H.F.R.I., Xenia Chrysochou, who highlighted the importance of the Foundation’s actions and the funding of projects for young researchers, especially in a time when a collective effort is being made to halt the phenomenon of young researchers leaving for abroad. Additionally, the event was welcomed by the Rector of Panteion University, Christina Koulouri, and the Assistant Professor and member of the project’s Advisory Committee, Angeliki Gazi.

Below are photos from the scientific conference.

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